How To Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality Lessons From a 13th Century Mystic  [Rumi]

Discussions on how to manifest your dreams into reality has become very popular in our culture.  From teachers like Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle we hear and learn the art of how to manifest your dreams into reality.   Their teachings are considered as ‘New Age’, are discounted by some, and followed by many.  

In our research into the great historical figures it became evident that the desire to reach into our dreams and make them manifest, is not new.

One person specifically stood out above the rest. A 13th century mystic, Rumi.   His writings and poetry will transport you into the realm of dreams and unknowns. In reading his work you will certainly touch on both; the hidden and mysterious, and the truths hidden in plain sight.

Who Is Rumi?

Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī, commonly known as Rumi, lived in Persia during the 13th century, from 1207 to 1273.    He was born in what is now Afghanistan, and later in life settled in present day Turkey.   Rumi received theological education in Syria where he studied legal codes of Sunni Islam.   He was a Sufi mystic, scholar, a saint, a poet, and an enlightened man. 

His work transcended national border and religions.    His friendships transcended religions and nationalities.  It is said that people of all religions including Christians and Jews came to Rumi’s funeral in 1273.  They said he deepened their faith regardless of the religion.  

Today, he has been described as the “most popular poet” and gained recognition as “the bestselling poet” in the United States.  This is not a surprise. If you study his works you will notice that he is a poet of love and joy, and love transcends all.  His message cuts through all boundaries and communicates on a higher plane. 

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other” doesn’t make any sense. – Rumi

How To Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality

Let us spend a moment and review the meaning of the word ‘manifestation’.  

According to Webster Dictionary, to manifest is to make evident or certain by showing or displaying.  It is not waiting for something to magically appear.

When you manifest something you first and foremost believe, a.k.a. have faith, that you can achieve your dreams and then take specific steps to get there. 

  1. Have Audacity to Dream Big
  2. Write Down Your Goals and Visualize
  3. Let Go of Limiting Beliefs
  4. Take Action

1 Have Audacity to Dream Big

The first step is to set and review your dreams. Before you can manifest your dreams into reality, you should stop and review them.  Ask yourself the following questions.

  • Am I thinking big enough?
  • Are the dreams and goals truly my dreams and not someone else’s?
  • Am I creating my own story, or trying to live out someone else’s?
  • Do I follow the pull of what I really love?

Throughout his writings Rumi was very clear in his message that it is your duty to live your life to the fullest.  No one can do it for you, nor can you live someone else’s life and dreams.  

Therefore, the most important step is to determine if you are passionate and driven about your dreams.

Think Big

It is natural for us not to think big due to fear and self doubt.   Rumi kindly reminds us that the power of Divine is within you, so stop limiting yourself and start reaching for the stars.

Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.  –   Rumi

Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. - Rumi
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. – Rumi

Do What You Love

Your main goal in this life is to live YOUR life, not someone else’s.  This means you need to learn to listen to your own inner voice.

Respond to every call that excites your spirit.  –   Rumi

Respond to every call that excites your spirit. - Rumi
Respond to every call that excites your spirit. – Rumi

Following your personal calling is not being selfish, nor is it in any way misleading.   Your only job, here in this realm, is to live to the purpose of your own existence.  You were created with a set of very specific gifts and talents.  The art of manifestation is bringing your gifts and talents into physical reality.  

Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.  –   Rumi

Create Your Own Story

It is so easy to fall into the trap of looking at how great people lived their lives and try to copy their paths.  Or follow celebrities on social media and try to mimic their lifestyles.  Yes, you should take the lessons and listen to the wise, but don’t copy, create your own path.  Rumi puts its very poetically stating that you should ‘unfold your own myth’.

Don’t be satisfied with stories. How things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.  –   Rumi

Don’t be satisfied with stories. How things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth. - Rumi
Don’t be satisfied with stories. How things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth. – Rumi

Remember that you are unique and your path should be as unique as you.  It should not be approved by others, or liked by the majority.  The only thing that should determine what you are looking for, is your personal fulfillment. 

If you live to your purpose and are honest with yourself, your story will take a life of its own.

What you seek is seeking you.  –   Rumi

Listen To Your Inner Guidance

If at this point you know that you want to create your own story, but are not sure what that story is, then you are exactly where you should be.   You’ve stopped listening to all of the ‘you must’ and ‘you should’ in your life and are ready to listen to your inner voice.  You are ready to write your own masterpiece.

There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.  –   Rumi

 Now evaluate your life and determine what dreams you want to pursue.  What areas of your life you want to balance out.

Your dreams may be relevant to different areas of your life.  You may look for a healthy relationship with your spouse, or you may still be searching for the true love, your soul mate. You may dream about a new house or may have a lofty career goal. Or you may look to expand your social network and find new potential clients.  There are no wrong dreams, and yes, they will change as you change. 

A tool that can assist you in this personal evaluation, is a Life Balance Wheel.  Simply evaluate your satisfaction with each area of your life and see how balanced you are in your approach to living.

Note: Don’t expect to be in perfect balance. Instead determine if what you see on the wheel is what you want to see.  If not, make goals to change things.

Download the Free Life Balance Wheel exercise to review your personal life goals at this point in time.

2  Write Down Your Goals and Visualize

The difference between a dream and a goal is that a dream becomes a goal once a plan is created. A dream without a plan will remains in a realm of the dream-world.  

In order to manifest your dreams into reality you need to visualize them, write them down, and create a plan.   

This may not sound mystical. Really no ancient rituals, nor chanting is required to manifest your dreams into reality. It is something as simple as putting it on paper and executing the steps.

Visualization Board

Vision board is a powerful tool used to manifest your dreams into reality.  With a vision board, your dreams will take shape in a form of clear picture.  It will become something you can focus on regular basis.  

It’s a great way to focus on your dreams during your everyday life.   Manifestation methods do not need to be complex. There is no best time to practice visualization, no special hour of the day, simply just do it when you have time.   

To create a vision board, find images that best represent your dreams and put them on paper.  Either on a poster board, or better yet, paste them into your daily planner.  This way, when you plan your day in the morning, you can reference your visualization board. This can become part of your morning routine.

The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.  –   Rumi

The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are. - Rumi
The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are. – Rumi

Write Down Your Goals

Images are a powerful way to begin manifesting your dreams into reality.   However, without a plan they will remain just that, images on the paper.   No matter how big your dream is, it can be achieved by breaking it down into small steps.  

Effluo Planners are designed to take your dreams and make them a reality.   They help you evaluate your life using the life balance wheel and reach your dreams by using the Effluo Framework.   The planner provides areas for vision board and positive affirmations.  The most effective part of the planner is the goal setting and prioritizing.  It takes you step by step helping you identify your goals, break them down into small steps and provides area for daily reflection.

If you would like to test out the goal setting process of writing down your goals, download the FREE Goal Setting PDF.

3  Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

In order to attain your deepest desires and live your best life, you need to develop a practice of positive affirmations.  Your subconscious beliefs are the keys to the process of manifestation.   Affirmations remove negative thoughts and negative emotions that stand in a way of you achieving great things. 

Affirmations are positive statements that will help drown out your negative thoughts. There may be people in your life that are holding you back.  However, if you truly look at the things for what they are, you will realize that you are your own worst enemy.   Your negative self-talk will not lead you to your desired outcomes.  

The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind.  –   Rumi

Stop Self Limitation

Important thing to remember is that your past failures and mistakes do not define who you are right now.  Today you are a different person from who you were back then.  Do not let any negative experiences and beliefs limit you from becoming who you are.   Create affirmations that remind you of your potential.

Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open.  –   Rumi

Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open. - Rumi
Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open. – Rumi

Positive Affirmations To Stop Self Limitation Examples:

  • I am free to select my own path
  • My future is yet to be written, and it will be an amazing story.
  • I am free to make my own choices

Face Your Fears

To be afraid is to be human.   Since you were a child you were told to be careful of everything.   There is nothing wrong with being careful, it has kept you alive to this point.   However, some fear can be paralyzing.  It can prevent you from achieving your dreams.  The comfort of your current situation is a huge hindrance to your greatness.  This may be the largest culprit of why people choose to live in mediocrity and make excuses for doing so.

Forget safety. Live where you fear to live.  –   Rumi

Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. - Rumi
Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. – Rumi

Face your fears, use affirmations to remind yourself of your greatness.

Positive Affirmations to Face Your Fears Examples:

  • I get stronger by regularly stepping outside of my comfort zone
  • I grow by facing my fears
  • If God is with me, who can be against me
  • I am stronger than my fears
  • I was given this life because I am strong enough to live it

Choose Your Friends Wisely

The company you choose to keep has a huge impact on your life.  If you surround yourself with people that have already achieved what you are trying to achieve, your journey will be that much easier.   On the other hand if you surround yourself with people who are afraid to step out of their comfort zone, they will most likely prevent you from doing so.

Ignore those that make you fearful and sad.  –   Rumi

Positive Affirmations to Choose Your Friends Wisely Examples:

  • I surround myself with people that build me up
  • I let go of people that make me feel fearful and sad

Focus On The Future

The biggest culprits to your self limiting beliefs are your past failures.   Yes, you may have failed in the past, you’ve probably made mistakes.   That is wonderful, that means that you’ve stepped outside of your comfort zone and tried something new.   

The only people that do not make mistakes are the ones who never do anything.   

Do not let you past mistakes define your future self.   Each mistake and each failure contains a lesson.  Going through each lesson makes you a different person, you become better and wiser.  Therefore, you are now a different person from who you were in the past.   Accept your mistakes and failures, be grateful for them and move on.

When you let go of who you are, you become who you might be.  –   Rumi

When you let go of who you are, you become who you might be. - Rumi
When you let go of who you are, you become who you might be. – Rumi

Positive Affirmations to Focus on The Future Examples:

  • My past does not define my future
  • I am stronger and wiser today than I was yesterday
  • I am open to learning new things
  • Use these positive thoughts to remove any negative thoughts and negative feelings that may stand in the way of manifesting your dreams into reality.

4  Take Action

At this point you have defined your big dreams, created a vision board and completed a goal setting worksheet with a plan to manifest your dreams into reality.   You’ve created positive affirmations that will help you let go of any resistance and create a positive outlook for goal achievement. Next step is to take action.

Just Begin The Way Will Appear

When you are faced with a big goal, it is easy to get overwhelmed.   Best way to overcome this is to create actionable steps for the immediate future.  Take intentional action steps towards the goal completion and review progress on daily basis and at set intervals.   Incremental small changes will add up creating a way towards your dream life.

As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.  –   Rumi

As you start to walk on the way, the way appears. - Rumi
As you start to walk on the way, the way appears. – Rumi

Effluo Planners are designed to take small steps towards goal achievement using three week increments.   Given that it is hard to predict what will happen three months from now, nevertheless in a year, taking these small incremental steps is the best way to achieve your goals.   As you start manifesting your dreams into reality, you will know so much more three weeks from now and will be in a better place to make decisions about your next steps at that time. 

Effluo stands for fluidity, Effluo Framework goes with the flow of time while keeping your focus on making your dreams come true one increment at a time.

Do Not Give Up

If for some reason life got in a way of your goal achievement, do not give up.  Get up, shake off the dust and continue on your journey.   Remember that these detours are just as much a part of your journey as the road itself.   Rumi taught that if you are consistent in pursuing your dreams you will achieve them.

Anyone who genuinely and consistently with both hands looks for something, will find it.  –   Rumi

Live As If Everything Is Rigged In Your Favor

If you ever caught yourself thinking or saying that nothing ever works out for you, stop doing that immediately.   You are in control of your beliefs, therefore, focus your thoughts on the positive. 

Begin believing that everything is rigged in your favor and you will be shocked to see how your life will change.   The power of thought and perception is huge, therefore be careful in what you chose to believe.

Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.  –   Rumi

Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor. - Rumi
Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor. – Rumi

Rise Up

These seemingly simple steps to manifest your dreams into reality will make your wildest dreams come true.  Try them out, your future self living the life of your dreams will thank you.   

  1. Have Audacity to Dream Big
  2. Write Down Your Goals and Visualize
  3. Let Go of Limiting Beliefs
  4. Take Action

As a parting note take the four minutes to listen to one of Rumi’s masterpieces.  Whenever you do not feel like doing affirmations, just listen to this poem.  Yes it is 800 years old, and yes it is still as true today as it was back then.   

The beauty of wisdom is that its timeless, it transcends all borders.  To quote Rumi once more,  “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. – Rumi”

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