The benefits of daily reflection were taught and practiced as far back as the written history. Due to the prevalence of this practice surviving the test of time, it is worth taking a look at. In studying the works of Confucius, that were written down 2,500 years ago we see that it was a regular practice. Disciples of Confucius had three specific mindfulness reflection questions that they asked themselves on daily basis.
Confucius Introduction
Confucius lived from 551 to 479 BCE. He was a Chinese philosopher, statesman, poet, and a teacher. His teaching influenced and shaped the world. He taught the art of living, how to improve your conditions by bettering yourself.
Daily Reflect and Review Benefits
Today the practice of daily reflection is again becoming more and more popularized. If you were to Google daily reflection questions you would see a myriad of lists for you to ponder through.
This is not a surprise since daily reflection has been shown to provide very specific benefits to your life. It helps you analyze your ideas, gives you perspective and helps you learn from your mistakes. The benefits to your mental health are innumerable. If you do not reflect on your mistakes you are doomed to repeat them.
The most important thing is not to get overwhelmed with the amount of questions you ask yourself. Confucius famously said that life is simple, but we make it complicated. Therefore, do not make the process of daily reflection over complicated.
Life if really simple we insist on making it complicated – Confucius
Begin with few set questions a day, and if they are not getting to the root of what you want to focus on, change them. If you overcomplicate the process and make a list of multiple questions to answer daily, you may be setting yourself up for failure. Keep it simple.
Daily Mindfulness Through Reflection
The best thing you can do for yourself is be present for your life. This can take place by stopping throughout the day and fully paying attention to your surroundings. This also can take place through daily reflections. You stop and review your day, become mindful of how it was spent and what you should focus on moving forward.
The easiest way to achieve this, is to select a few questions and add it to your daily routine. It could be your evening routine where you practice this mindfulness activity at the end of each day. Or a morning routine where you ask these mindful questions reflecting on the previous day.
Daily reflection, therefore, becomes a form of mindfulness practice. During this daily mindfulness practice, you reflect on the day and meditate on specific mindfulness questions.
Confucius’ disciples used three questions to ask themselves on daily basis. You can use the same questions or come up with your own, just remember that by doing daily self-reflection you are setting yourself up for success and defining your future.
Study the past if you would define the future – Confucius
Confucius Mindfulness Reflection Questions Introduction
Every day I examine myself on three points.
When I worked to benefit someone else, did I do my best?
In my relationship with my friends, did I fail to be trustworthy?
Did I pass on any knowledge I myself had not put into practice?
– Confucius
These self-reflection questions go to the heart of the practice of living. Specifically always doing your best, being honest and trustworthy with others and with yourself.
These mindfulness questions are not the only right questions to ask. There are many powerful questions you can ask yourself depending on what your goals of life are.
Great way to identify important things in your life and areas of focus is to look at your personal mission statement. If you have not identified a personal mission statement read the 3 Tips for How to Write a Personal Mission Statement.
You mindfulness reflection questions become your guiding posts. You can use them as your journal prompts or as a quick daily check in.
Let us then review each of these seemingly simple questions that Confucius’ disciples asked themselves in detail.
3 Daily Mindfulness Reflection Questions to Ask Yourself
1 When I worked to benefit someone else, did I do my best?
When a person with the Ren virtue sets a goal, he would also help others to set the same. When he desires success in achieving the goal, he would help others to achieve the same. He can find handy occasions and circumstances in daily life to set good examples for people. This is a way to practice the Ren virtue. – Confucius
Ren virtue is the foundational virtue in Confucianism. It stands for humaneness, goodness, love. Confucius teaching focused a lot on benefiting others and society. Confucians historically did not look at a person as a separate individual, but as a social being whose identity is derived from his interactions with the society. The quality of life depended on how willing and able an individual was to help and support others.
When I worked to benefit someone else, did I do my best? – Confucius
Simple way to achieve Ren in everyday life was to live in service of others. Therefore, using this mindful reflection question disciples had a constant reminder of this virtue of humaneness. In short, to live best life is to live a life in service of others. The key is not to do it for the show, but knowing that you truly did your best will give you the feeling of accomplishment. If you find that in service of others you may have cut some corners or did not give it a hundred percent, identify it and work to remedy it.
2 In my relationship with my friends, did I fail to be trustworthy?
Handle all matters with care and respect, and be trustworthy; take a measured approach in your spending, and cherish the people. – Confucius
Throughout his teachings Confucius focused on showing respect towards family members and friends. You have the power to make positive changes not only in your own life but in the lives of people around you.
This personal reflection of being trustworthy towards your friends is another important aspect of Ren virtue. Being trustworthy shows respect toward your friends and most importantly yourself. It brings that inner peace that even in stressful situations, you will come through.
Being trustworthy with your friends builds strong relationships. You are not meant to go through this life alone, nor are you meant to deal with all of your problems by yourself. Having a strong network of trustworthy friends will help you get through the toughest hurdles. The best way to find trustworthy friends is to be one yourself.
In my relationship with my friends, did I fail to be trustworthy? – Confucius
On daily basis examine your own behavior towards people in your life. If you find that you failed to be trustworthy, make the necessary adjustments. In the end it will only work towards your own benefit.
3 Did I pass on any knowledge I myself had not put into practice?
To fail to cultivate virtue, to fail to practice what I have learned, not to direct my steps toward what is right when I know what that is, and to make mistakes and not be able to correct them—these are the things that worry me. – Confucius
Confucius taught three very powerful truths.
- First is to take what you learned and put it into practice.
- Second is to always do what is right.
- Third is to identify your mistakes and learn from them.
The third reflection question focuses on putting what you learned into practice. If you ever find yourself teaching or preaching a certain knowledge that you yourself do not practice, stop yourself from doing that.
Did I pass on any knowledge I myself had not put into practice? – Confucius
By passing on knowledge you do not practice yourself you are violating the three truths identified. Therefore, to remedy this follow the third truth and identify your mistake and learn from it.
3 Daily Mindfulness Reflection Questions to Ask Yourself for Growth Mindset
Psychology Today defines growth mindset as the ability to change your beliefs and character over time. Continual improvement is another good way of looking at this concept. With growth mindset, mistakes are not horrible, they are lessons. Trying new things is not scary, it is an experience. Failures are not final, they are just stepping stones to success.
Growth mindset goes hand in hand with Confucius teachings. And it begins by reviewing your life and identifying areas for continual improvement. It is important to review the good and the bad on daily basis in a nonjudgmental way. Then apply the learnings to different parts of your life.
Cultivate your growth mindset by setting a habit of daily reflection. If you are so inclined, try to use the three questions used by Confucius disciples and apply them to your own personal reflections.
Every day I examine myself on three points.
When I worked to benefit someone else, did I do my best?
In my relationship with my friends, did I fail to be trustworthy?
Did I pass on any knowledge I myself had not put into practice?
– Confucius
This practice of mindfulness will lead towards amazing personal growth, eliminating bad habits and negative emotions. And remember, the best time to start this practice is today.