7 Steps To Achieve Success By Adopting a Success Mindset [Seneca]

Have you ever felt like success was out of reach? That no matter how hard you tried, it wouldn’t be possible to achieve your goals? If so, you’re not alone.  Success is often elusive and requires a unique mindset, called success mindset.

It is a culmination of ideas and beliefs you choose to prioritize in order to be successful. It enables you to embrace growth and ability to learn from your mistakes. Unlike, fixed mindset, success mindset is poised for growth.

A success mindset has been advocated by the great Roman philosopher Seneca for centuries.  With his guidance, we can discover how to cultivate a success mindset and use it to reach our goals.

At Effluo, we study the teachings of great historical figures to get inspired by the lives of history’s greatest minds.  To study the concept of success mindset, we turned to the life and works of Seneca.

In this article, we’ll explore Seneca’s insights on the success mindset and how you can apply them in your daily life.

So let’s get started!

Define What Success Means To You

What difference does it make, after all, what your position in life is if you dislike it yourself?Seneca

Success is a highly subjective concept and means something different for everyone.  For some, success may be measured in terms of financial wealth or career achievement; for others, it might be associated with personal growth or spiritual enlightenment.  Success may also manifest itself through physical health or intellectual pursuits.

Ultimately, success means different things to different people.

The first step in cultivating a mindset for success is to define what success means to you.  Take some time to think about your definition of success, and then create an action plan for how you can achieve those goals.

Who Is Seneca?

It’s not because things are difficult that we dare not venture. It’s because we dare not venture that they are difficult. - Seneca
It’s not because things are difficult that we dare not venture. It’s because we dare not venture that they are difficult. – Seneca

Seneca was a Roman philosopher and statesman who lived in the first century AD.  He is best known for his philosophical writings, Letters From a Stoic, which focus on the Stoic tradition of thought.  Seneca believed that it was not our circumstances or environment that determined our life outcomes but how we choose to think about these situations.

He wrote famously that,

  It’s not because things are difficult that we dare not venture.  It’s because we dare not venture that they are difficult.Seneca

Success requires an attitude of growth and resilience, as well as the ability to take on challenges and tackle them head-on.

Seneca advocated a success mindset, believing that it wasn’t our environment or circumstance that determined our outcomes but rather how we think about those situations.

The thought process he prescribed is known as the growth mindset – the belief that even if something seems impossible at first, it is still within our reach, and through hard work, focus, and dedication, we can gain success.

Success isn’t achieved overnight; rather, it’s a long and difficult journey that requires you to stay focused, motivated, and resilient.  Success is often determined by the challenges we face and how we choose to confront them.

Overview of 7 Steps To Achieving Success Through Adopting a Success Mindset

Unlike its counterpart fixed mindset, the growth mindset sets the belief that you can improve and grow.  That each mistake is not final but a learning stepping stone to success. 

Seneca outlined the steps to developing a success mindset through the following seven steps:

  1. Develop Your Intuition – Live In Accordance With Nature
  2. Practice Self-Acceptance Mindset
  3. Master The Art Of Abundance Mindset
  4. Work With a Mentor
  5. Maintain Great Physical Health
  6. Exercise Your Mind – Practice Growth Mindset
  7. Learn The Art of Refreshing Your Mind

1 Develop Your Intuition – Live In Accordance With Nature

Nature just wields her power and uses the particular weakness to make even the strongest conscious of her. Seneca

Seneca, being a student of Stoicism, advocated the concept of living in accordance with nature.  Meaning developing your natural instincts and learning to listen to them.  He pointed out that nature is powerful, and you cannot ignore its sheer force.   Therefore, instead of ignoring this power, learn to use it to your advantage.

You have natural abilities and strengths that differ from the people around you.  Identify your strengths in character, your way of thinking, and your way of acting.  Use these strengths to gain the advantage in whatever goal or endeavor you choose to take on.

Successful people also know that they must adapt quickly to changing circumstances, and they don’t let fear or doubt stand in their way.  They work hard to develop their intuition.

Therefore, even though success requires hard work and dedication, it’s important to develop your intuition.

Successful people often rely on their gut instinct to make decisions, trusting that the answers will come in time.  They are willing to take risks and trust their instincts rather than playing it safe.  By staying in touch with your intuition and learning to listen to your gut, you can be more confident in your decisions and better prepared for the unexpected.

2 Practice Self-Acceptance Mindset

For no amount of wisdom enables one to do away with physical or mental weaknesses that arise from natural causes; anything inborn or ingrained in one can, by dint of practice, be allayed but not overcome.Seneca

Another key component of success is self-acceptance.

Self-acceptance can be difficult to practice, but it is essential for success.  It begins with self-awareness: understanding your strengths and weaknesses and being honest about who you are.  Seneca points to the fact very clearly, everyone has weaknesses, be aware of yours.  Successful people accept themselves for who they are, flaws and all.

Therefore, it’s important to recognize that mistakes are part of the process and to practice forgiveness for yourself and others.

Successful people are comfortable in their own skin, knowing that mistakes and failures are part of the journey.  They understand that failure does not define them but rather provides an opportunity to learn and grow.

3 Master The Art Of Abundance Mindset

Only the wise man is content with what is his.  All foolishness suffers the burden of dissatisfaction with itself.Seneca

Only the wise man is content with what is his. - Seneca
Only the wise man is content with what is his. – Seneca

Seneca further explains that it is vital to be grateful and happy for what you already have and achieved.  This can also be defined as an abundance mentality.  Unlike scarcity mentality, where you focus on what is missing and what is yet to be done, the abundance mindset takes a positive attitude approach by focusing on and being grateful for what is already present.

The key to mastering the art of abundance is to focus on what you can offer and contribute rather than constantly striving for more.

Successful people know that focusing on the present will bring them closer to their goals.  They recognize that life is full of opportunities, and by taking advantage of those opportunities, they can create success for themselves and others.  By having this positive mindset, they are open to recognizing these opportunities.

Successful people also understand that success is not a finite resource.  They are generous with their time, energy, and resources because they know that what they give out comes back to them in some way.

Finally, it’s essential to practice gratitude and focus on the positive aspects of your life.  Successful people often remind themselves of what they have rather than focusing on what they don’t have.  This helps cultivate an attitude of abundance and appreciation, which is key to success.

4 Work With a Mentor

We need to set our affections on some good man and keep him constantly before our eyes so that we may live as if he were watching us and do everything as if he saw what we were doing. Seneca

Seneca goes on to explain that having a person to imitate and stay accountable to is critical.  In other words, work with a mentor.

Having someone with life experience who can:

  • Offer you a different perspective
  • Can help you see things from a different angle
  • Provide insight into new opportunities.

Having a supportive mentor to guide you along your journey can make all the difference.  A mentor can help you stay focused on your goals and motivate you to continue striving for success.  They can also provide invaluable advice on how to handle difficult situations or setbacks that might arise along the way.

Successful people understand the importance of having a mentor.  They often rely on mentors and teachers to provide advice as they work towards their goals.  They recognize that great accomplishments are often achieved through collaboration with others.

 5 Maintain Great Physical Health

There are short and simple exercises which will tire the body without undue delay and save what needs especially close accounting for time.  There is running, swinging weights about, and jumping – either high-jumping or long-jumping or the kind indulged in by the priests of Mars Seneca

With this specific statement, Seneca points out the most obvious truth, which is often overlooked on the road to achieving success.  If you are not physically fit, you will not have the energy or strength to put in the necessary work.

Success requires great physical health and mental clarity.

Physical health is vital for success.  You need to prioritize the importance of looking after your health.  This means eating right, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and taking time for self-care.

Success also requires mental clarity.  Take time to practice mindfulness techniques to keep yourself sharp and focused on your goals. 

Successful people know that when they are healthy, their bodies and minds work together harmoniously to create the best outcomes.  They are aware of how their physical health can affect their emotional well-being and overall performance; they prioritize good nutrition and exercise as part of their daily routine.

6 Exercise Your Mind – Practice Growth Mindset

But whatever you do, return from body to mind very soon.  Exercise it day and night.  Only a moderate amount of work is needed for it to thrive and develop. Seneca

In addition to taking care of your physical and mental health, it is also important to exercise your mind.  Seneca promoted the concept of lifelong learning.

Learning and growing are essential components of success.  Remember, knowledge is power.  Always look for new information to help you achieve your goals.

  • Read books
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Take classes
  • Do whatever else you can to stay informed and challenge yourself intellectually.

Exercising your mind can also mean taking the time to reflect and evaluate your progress.  There will be successes and failures along the way, and it is important to take a step back to reflect on what has worked and what hasn’t.  Develop a celebration mindset where you focus on successes that will give you the energy and strength to continue to push ahead.

Use a good goal-setting framework that will allow you to go back and review your successes and failures regularly.  Our Effluo Goal Setting framework found in the planners incorporates the ‘Reflect and Review’ sections every three weeks and every quarter.

Successful people are constantly re-evaluating their goals and strategies to stay on track and progress toward their desired outcomes.

By maintaining great physical health, exercising your mind, and cultivating a success mindset, you will be on your way to greatness!

7 Learn The Art of Refreshing Your Mind

The mind has to be given some time off, but in such a way that it may be refreshed, not relaxed, till it goes to pieces. Seneca

The mind has to be given some time off, but in such a way that it may be refreshed - Seneca
The mind has to be given some time off, but in such a way that it may be refreshed – Seneca

Finally, Seneca reminds us to break the rules of continuous productivity by taking time off to be refreshed.  He says don’t fully relax and forget about your goals, but get refreshed and recharged. 

By learning the art of refreshing your mind and taking regular breaks, you will be better equipped to handle the ups and downs of achieving success.

Some examples of refreshing your mind include:

Develop a Hobby

It can be helpful to have a hobby or activity outside of work that you enjoy, and that helps you relax.  You will have something you can turn to when you feel overwhelmed or exhausted.  It will refresh you and give you the energy to move on.

Take Breaks

It is important to take regular breaks.  Success requires a lot of hard work and focus; taking time to recharge allows you to come back with renewed energy and enthusiasm. 

Do Something For Yourself

When it comes to tackling tough tasks, achieving large goals, and taking care of others, it is easy to forget about self-care.  Taking time for yourself is an essential part of self-care that helps to maintain mental clarity, focus, and energy.

Successful people know when to take breaks, how to relax their minds, and how to refresh their motivation.  Remember that taking time away from your goals is just as important as working hard towards them.

Summary Of 7 Steps To Achieving Success Through Adopting a Success Mindset

Having a success mindset, maintaining great physical health, exercising your mind, and learning the art of refreshing your mind are just some of the essential components to achieving greatness.  Success requires dedication, focus, hard work, and perseverance but it also requires taking care of yourself in order to stay sharp, motivated, and ready for whatever lies ahead.

  1. Develop Your Intuition – Live In Accordance With Nature
  2. Practice Self-Acceptance Mindset
  3. Master The Art Of Abundance Mindset
  4. Work With a Mentor
  5. Maintain Great Physical Health
  6. Exercise Your Mind – Practice Growth Mindset
  7. Learn The Art of Refreshing Your Mind

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