Much has been written about the power and importance of positive thinking in recent times. Affirmations are no longer the teachings of New Age Gurus. They have made their way to the daily routines of successful business people and entrepreneurs. Both positive thinking and affirmations are methodologies of thought examination. Let us examine whether this is truly a new phenomenon or a well-tested method for a successful and happy life.
Going back around 1,900 years, we come across a follower of Stoic philosophy and a Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. He left us a personal journal of his thoughts called Meditations. His writings provide an in-depth view of how Romans and Stoics viewed the world at that time and what they said about the need to examine your thoughts.
Thoughts shape your perception
Habitual thoughts also will be the character of the mind; because the soul is dyed by the thoughts. Dye it then with a continuous series of such thoughts as these: for instance, that where a man can live, there he can also live well.
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius points out that thoughts build the character of the mind. In essence, our thoughts make us who we are. Therefore whenever you look at your thoughts, make sure that you look at them positively. He elaborates that good livelihood does not depend on your position in life but your perspective of life.
He pointed out that you can live in a castle and be miserable or live in the same castle and be happy. Therefore, the castle is not the source of happiness, but your thoughts shape the perception.
Thought examination leads to happiness
Those who do not observe the movements of their own minds must of necessity be unhappy.
Marcus Aurelius
If you go through your days without evaluating your thoughts, you lose the chance to shape your perception. One of his more famous quotes stated that happiness depends on having positive, high-quality thoughts.
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”
Marcus Aurelius
Therefore, if you do not examine your thoughts, you cannot influence them. When you review your thoughts and see they are of lower quality or harmful, you have the power to change them. Focus on the positive or neutral. Stay away from the negative.
Thought examination leads to peace
I affirm that tranquility is nothing else than the good ordering of the mind.
Marcus Aurelius
In addition to happiness, Marcus Aurelius emphasized that thought examination leads to internal peace. He called it the good ordering of the mind. Again, suppose you evaluate your thoughts and actively focus on positive or neutral thinking. In that case, your mind will be free of worry and undue stress.
Does this mean that you have to look at life through rose-colored glasses? Pretend that everything is great? No, it does not mean that. It means that even in the worst situations, you can find meaning and stay away from harmful thinking. For more information on how to find meaning in the worst cases based on the life of Victor Frankl, read Three Ways to Find Meaning.
You can pass through life in an undisturbed flow of happiness if you can take the right path and think and act in the right way.
Marcus Aurelius
The importance of thought examination is emphasized all through his work in Meditations. In practice, this means that you should pay attention to the things you think and say about yourself and others.
The teachings from the past support the daily practice of positive affirmations taught by our contemporaries. It is not only recommended, but as we have reviewed in the meditations of Marcus Aurelius, it is necessary for a happy and peaceful life.
Everywhere and at all times, it is in your power to accept your present condition, and to behave justly to those who are with you, and to exert your skill upon your present thoughts, that nothing shall steal them without being well examined.
Marcus Aurelius
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