How To Practice Thought Examination

Thoughts make us who we are. They drive action and form habits. Positive thoughts can make us feel great, neutral ones are just there, and negative thoughts can make us feel pretty miserable. You are in control of who you are going to be by focusing on the right thoughts. Thought examination should be practiced daily to shape yourself into the person you want to be. 

Marcus Aurelius practiced thought examination by writing his thoughts down in his Meditations. This is the first step. Write the thoughts down. See where the pen will take you. Marcus Aurelius provided great insights into how thought examination is practiced in his writings.

Speak and Think Positively About Yourself 

thought examination and changing of opinion

It is not fit that I should give myself pain, for I have never intentionally given pain even to another.

Marcus Aurelius

There is an old saying that you have heard many times, “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” This is an accurate saying; however, consider what Marcus Aurelius proposed in his statement. “Treat yourself as you treat others.”  

You are your own worst judge. The things you say to yourself, you probably would not speak to your friend. Therefore, begin thought examination by looking at how you think and talk about yourself. Do not use derogatory language towards yourself, not even jokingly. If these thoughts do enter your mind, do not entertain them. Let them pass through.  

But if anything in your own disposition gives you pain, who hinders you from correcting your opinion?

Marcus Aurelius

You don’t need to constantly focus on the negative aspects. You know they are there; no extra reminder is needed. Focus on your strengths, accomplishments, and dreams. Speak and think positively about yourself. 

Pay Attention To Where Value is Placed

Never value anything as profitable to yourself which shall compel you to break your promise, to lose your self-respect, to hate any man, to suspect, to curse, to act the hypocrite, to desire anything which needs walls and curtains…

Marcus Aurelius

Once you begin focusing on your strengths and positive aspects of your nature, do not do anything against that. Marcus Aurelius spells it out in detail. Do not do anything that will make you break your promise or simply anything that will make you lose your self-respect.  

If you act like a hypocrite, you will know. You cannot escape yourself, so why put yourself into the prison of your thoughts. Do what is right and pay attention to where you place your value. 

 Know That Only You Can Control Your Actions 

There is no one who hinders you from always doing and saying the things which are according to the nature of which you are a part.

Marcus Aurelius

At this point, you have been told to think positively about yourself and act according to your beliefs. But what about the times when you simply have no choice but to act against your beliefs?  

Marcus Aurelius pointed out that no one can stand in your way of always staying true to yourself. In the end, you have the final say of what thoughts you focus on, what you will say, and how you will act. Do not give this power to anyone or anything. It is yours and yours only. 

With this, of course, comes the responsibility of answering for your actions. But think about this, would you rather answer for your own choices or the choices of someone else? It is much easier to live with the right decisions being made, no matter how difficult they were to make at that moment. Then to live with regrets for the rest of your life. Only you can control your actions. 

 Know That Only You Can Control Your Perception

thought examination and opinion

You can remove out of the way many useless things among those which disturb you, for they lie entirely in your opinion; and you will then gain for yourself ample space for comprehending the whole universe in your mind

Marcus Aurelius

So far, thought examination and strong character building includes:

  • Think positively about yourself 
  • Act by following your beliefs 
  • Know that only you decide on the course of your actions 

These are excellent guidelines for becoming the person you want to be. However, the last and most important one is not taking yourself too seriously. Know that most of the things you “know” are your opinions. The things you tell yourself and also opinions. The things that disturb you are also your opinions. The shackles you put yourself in and the pedestals you put yourself on are your opinions. And the thoughts of others are their opinions.

Marcus Aurelius said that if you free yourself from opinions, you open your mind to understanding the universe. Therefore, free yourself from the world of opinions, and focus on the good and do what is right. At this point, you will not only be strong, but you will be unstoppable. To read more about the importance of thought examination go to Thought Examination According to Marcus Aurelius.

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